Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The O

Today the second picture is this...

Its of a heart shaped rock, or a rock heart.
<3 <3 <3

Picked this picture of the rock heart cause...
well that's how a lot of people are feeling right now.
they've finally realized January is over and the "Love" month has begun.
well well well.. either you enjoy the month or dread it.
I hear the single people say
"ugh. a holiday to make singles feel like shit and boyfriends and girlfriends to empty their wallets"
and people whom are compassionate but not single to reply
"you don't have to empty your wallet. I'm cooking my girl dinner, gonna watch a movie and just enjoy each others company. We both are broke, and honestly, materialistic gifts are unnecessary to me."

That's what I'm talking about! this guy has got it right and I know if his GF
sees that well she will be very pleased with him no doubt..
the only thing is she will know not to expect a gift, haha.

So for all the stone cold rock heart people out there whom i can just for short call "Single"
and who despise this month just because of the simple fact you are jealous of love,
and oh very very single,  its OK.  be upset, but just know that while you waste your
time sobbing and taking it out on other people, you could have used that time
to actually find someone you might love in the future and spend valentines with...
these people aren't even just pissed off for the one day in the middle, they're
unhappy the whole god dam month.

just a little thought. :)
hope this doesn't offend anyone, purely my opinion, no facts <3

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