Friday, February 18, 2011

& the love remains

there is still love

So since Valentines day has passed, and loved ones have shared the day together...
some are very please and some may be disappointed.

But that doesn't change the very simple little fact that even though you may have screwed the day up, not gotten or done what she had wanted.. she still loves you anyways.
That's the beautiful thing about love.


K plus S

Kalan & Sophia

Here are some pictures of me and my boyfriend (Kalan)

We met a while ago at a party, i had a secret crush on him, he had a secret crush on me, we both were dating other people.  About a year passes, things don't work out for either of us and our now Xs. As stupid as it sounds i had done a facebook love match, and it came up as him.  That instantly re jogged my memory about him and decided to start creeping ever so often and chatting lightly.  We ended up texting every night asking a million questions to each other, i felt i knew him within a few weeks.

We talked on the phone for the first time and i was ecstatic, crazy and talking too fast for my own good. I also couldn't stop laughing, between every second i would giggle. Oh man how i loved this feeling.  We decided on a day to meet, we met up, we looked at the stars and found we couldn't stop our conversation if we'd wanted to.  We had a bottle of wine and he played the guitar for me, i told him to shut his eyes and a kissed him on the cheek, (our first kiss).  He blushed and smiled. 

We couldn't stay away from each other, his presence was just so amazing to go without.
We saw each other for about 2 months before we started dating officially.

love him to bits

Broken, Jagged, Injured or full

Are all your hearts on the table?

Everyone has a heart, its a simple fact that you can't live without one.
But besides that heart, i hear people talk about a heart
in a lot of different ways.
 Maybe their heart is cold, hard as stone,
maybe its broken into a billion tiny pieces, its been broken in half and someone
has stolen the other part, or maybe its chipped, uneven, jagged.
Maybe their heart is as big as they think it could ever get and its beating at speeds
above normal... well it happens to everyone and that is very normal.

Everybody's physiological heart is different depending on what they're going through.
They may have found the love of their life or, that person may have just left them.
Maybe its broken from the past but now being healed by a new healthy heart interaction.

I feel like every one has many different hearts instead of just one.. well 1 real 1 in their heads..
They have many made up ones, as many as you could think of you could have if you
really wanted. All the hearts are different and distinct in a way that is like no one elses.

Don't throw away broken or damaged hearts, keep them to learn from,
or to help the others to grow and become stronger.
You may not remember, but never forget.

This picture is of heart shaped rocks i found when i was walking
along the river with my boyfriend.

Just a Game?


To some people, well.. Love is just a game.
They play it day by day,  sometimes they win the game, sometimes they loose.
Its all up to chance and luck, or if you're playing with a cheater
sometimes its not so much fun anymore.
So here is what i think, stop playing a game,
and for those being played... stop being played.
Jump over that obstacle all together, and move to the next "space"

The picture is of the Chinese checkers game me and
my mother always play. She is too good, i never win.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The hidden heart

Not everything is what it seems...

Things may come across differently,
things may look differently,
things may be in fact not how they seem to be.

I've found that while searching for hearts,
I've also come across many that i wouldn't have even thought were there.
Hearts can be many of places hiding waiting for someone to find them and appreciate,
as well as Love...  Its there almost every single place you are, look and see.
Its just it might not appear that way at the beginning.

I encourage you to go find love and be surprised when you do,
in a place where you think it could not be lingering.
:) you'll be surprised what you find, if you just take the time to find it.

My dream valentine..

This story is the new and improved Romeo and Juliet.
I soo wanna be bella.

This is not a picture i have taken, got this right off of google, love this picture.
&& I really love them!  I am obsessed with the whole twilight thing.
I decided to put this picture up for today because well..
i have already read all the books once, but i'm on my second round
and today i finished reading New Moon, on to Eclipse :)
Everything about it just makes me so giddy and happy inside.
love love loveeeeee it.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

the poshion of love

This container could hold many of things.. perfume, sand, or in a little girls world,
some magic love poshion and some magic love dust.
This small ornament that she was given by her mother at a very
young age was a prised possestion to her. She would sometimes dream
about all the things that she could do with it, she could make
people fall in love, she could make people fall in love with her..
haha she loved the idea of love.
To this day it sits on her bathroom counter next to her
sink where she still looks and admires it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The note

How lovely it is when that special someone leaves you a little note.

Notes have to be one of my favorite things that someone can do or
give you, i just think they are absolutely adroable to give,
and recieve.

It makes their presence last longer, it feels like they're still around.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

somewhere in between... (Space)

i love you earth, air, water and sky... i love it all and all of you.

the E

How else can i sum up this picure more than it does it self.
I've felt like loving more lately... i feel like a haven't been loving
as much as i could have. and i personally love to love,
so loving just a bit more than i do makes me happy

so i ask you, try and love more!

Found this and snapped this shot one day out in kensington
with my lovely Kalan, and we were spending the day together
and just loving eachother... then i came across this

Friday, February 4, 2011

the V..

For the third picture, its unique :)

Its a heart made by the moon.

This picture shows that not only the things that are obvious, can show love or thier heart...
the things we see every day that may seem meaningless or just simple have love to share aswell.
Love comes from everything and anything we know.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The O

Today the second picture is this...

Its of a heart shaped rock, or a rock heart.
<3 <3 <3

Picked this picture of the rock heart cause...
well that's how a lot of people are feeling right now.
they've finally realized January is over and the "Love" month has begun.
well well well.. either you enjoy the month or dread it.
I hear the single people say
"ugh. a holiday to make singles feel like shit and boyfriends and girlfriends to empty their wallets"
and people whom are compassionate but not single to reply
"you don't have to empty your wallet. I'm cooking my girl dinner, gonna watch a movie and just enjoy each others company. We both are broke, and honestly, materialistic gifts are unnecessary to me."

That's what I'm talking about! this guy has got it right and I know if his GF
sees that well she will be very pleased with him no doubt..
the only thing is she will know not to expect a gift, haha.

So for all the stone cold rock heart people out there whom i can just for short call "Single"
and who despise this month just because of the simple fact you are jealous of love,
and oh very very single,  its OK.  be upset, but just know that while you waste your
time sobbing and taking it out on other people, you could have used that time
to actually find someone you might love in the future and spend valentines with...
these people aren't even just pissed off for the one day in the middle, they're
unhappy the whole god dam month.

just a little thought. :)
hope this doesn't offend anyone, purely my opinion, no facts <3